
Prayer and Silence

A life of prayer needs the climate of silence and stillness in which to develop. True silence helps us to deepen our awareness of God’s presence within the depths of our own being, within other people and the whole created universe.    (CSC Rule)


Individual guests and groups are welcome to join the Sisters in our daily times of prayer (and to use the Chapel privately at other times.) There is a small Oratory (prayer room) on the second floor for the Guests' use.

Our Chapel is also open during the day for anyone who would like to 'drop in' for prayer and quiet. Please ring the Front Door bell for access.

Daily Office

Our pattern of worship is based on a four-fold Daily Office (Mattins, Midday Office, Evensong and Compline), simplified from the seven-fold Office of the ancient tradition of monastic worship. 


The eucharist (Holy Communion) is celebrated several times each week. 

The Community of the Sisters of the Church is an international body of women within the Anglican Communion. Members of other denominations are most welcome to participate fully in our Eucharist.

Thursday Evening Eucharist

Sung Eucharist 6pm (most Thursdays) in Chapel, usually following the pattern of Common Worship.  All are welcome to join the Community for supper afterwards. 

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Donations welcomed.