As a Religious Community we invite visitors into our Convent home, and as a UK registered charity (200240) we make no ‘charges’ for our hospitality.
We do suggest ‘donations’ which help to sustain the ministry of hospitality in this house, and we rely on the generosity of our Guests, but we would not want anyone to be prevented from coming to us through lack of funds. Those who are unable to offer the ‘suggested donation’ are helped by those who are able to contribute more.
Additional donations for the Community’s work are always welcome (and, for those who are eligible, GiftAid may be applied to these donations).
Bank: Lloyds
Account name: Sisters of the Church
Account number: 01027107
Sort Code: 30-94-77
Please make payable to the‘Church Extension Association’.
Suggested donations:
Residential Guest
£50 for 24 hours with meals (additional donation for Spiritual Accompaniment)
Day Guest
£15 (£20 with a main meal)
Residential Group
£50 for 24 hours (with meals) for each person plus a minimum of £20 per day for the use of a meeting room.
Day Group
£20 (base rate for the meeting room) plus £5 per person for the day (£10 if including main meal (for groups of 6 or less))
Programme Quiet Day
£20 for the day (including hot drinks and biscuits).
Programme Residential Retreats
£140-150 for Weekends.
£400 for 6-day IGR (Individually Guided Retreat).
Spiritual Direction
Between £10 and £30 per session depending on means.
No charge for the initial interview.
The suggested donation for further sessions is based on income and circumstances (to be discussed at the initial meeting).